Heartbreak: How to have it, how to heal it ft. Dr. Shyam Bhat
As just about anyone who has ever been in love knows, heartbreak hurts. A lot. But it can also help you grow, if you really take the time to process the pain. In this episode, psychiatrist and author Dr. Shyam Bhat talks to Evelyn about what happens when your heart breaks, and how you can emerge from the experience a stronger and more empathetic person.
Show notes:
Evelyn Sharma's Instagram
Shyam Bhat’s Instagram
Produced by: Axel Scheele, Sally McGrane
Research & guest acquisition: Sana Rizvi
Sound Engineer: Gerd Georgii
Project Manager: Sonja Kaun-Trenkler
Editorial Support: Shashank Bhargava, Anant Nath Sharma, Khyati Rajvanshi
Executive Producer: Melanie von Marschalck, DW Life & Style