Falling into IT - standing up in Security, with Pam Lindemoen
Today we're delighted to be joined by Pam Lindemoen, Advisory CISO at Cisco Secure and former Deputy CISO at Anthem Inc.
In this thoughtful interview, learn about Pam's passion for championing women in IT, her approach to learning from mistakes and failure, as well as her top tips to ensure that security and risk can be understood across the entire business.
Pam has gained a well deserved reputation as a bold and strategic thinker, and being an exceptional leader - she shares many of her lessons learned from 25 years in the IT industry in this chat.
Before that, host Hazel shares a tribute to Mick Jenkins MBE, the first ever guest on Security Stories, who recently passed away. She shares her memories of first meeting him, the impact he had, and continues to have, on her work, and she remembers some of his most inspiring stories.
"Never let fear get in the way of your dreams." Mick Jenkins, MBE
For the full Mick interview, listen to episode 1 of the podcast at https://securitystories.buzzsprout.com/926089/2985046-1-from-the-battlefield-to-the-boardroom-with-mick-jenkins-mbe
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