Episode 88 (Season 6) Let's celebrate Poetry Month
Welcome to another episode of Chuski Pop, folks! We missed you! This episode we celebrate Poetry Month - we kick off the episode with a selection of our favourite poems and poets. Everything from classic English, Urdu ghazals, Japanese haikus, to hip hop. Plus, on Filmi Chakkar we look at how Bollywood stars are keeping busy and stick with us till the end, to sing along with us to your favourite 90s Hindi songs! - // Starring Sweety a Pappu // Visit ChuskiPop.com for more info // Subscribe to us on patreon.com/chuskipop for only $1 a month // Listen To Us On Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher or your favourite podcast app! // Follow Us on twitter.com/chuskipop and instagram.com/chuskipop