Moving to Dubai with massive dental school debt with David Donelson
Dr. David Donelson graduated from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine with $330,000 in student loan debt. After practicing in New York City for two years, he felt compelled to find a brand new environment and found himself in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The foreign earned income exclusion has allowed him to tackle his student loans more aggressively. He still currently practices in Dubai, where he’s been located for seven years. He plans to return to the U.S. in the next few years and to finally kick the rest of his student loan debt. In today’s episode, you'll find out: David’s background in dental school at Tufts University His experience practicing dentistry in New York City How he ended up leaving the U.S. for Dubai Why living in Dubai helped David’s tax situation The cost of living in Dubai versus the U.S. How the foreign earned income tax exclusion works — and could help with student loan debt David’s tips for anyone wanting to practice dentistry in Dubai How being a dentist in Dubai compares to the U.S. David’s experience with refinancing his student loans How living in a tiny town can bump up your income His one regret while living in Dubai David’s advice for living abroad Full show notes at: