Terminal Affair by Allen Dusk
This episode features two great stories Plasticity by Salome Wilde Terminal Affair by Allen Dusk For more sexy talk just search "Rose Caraway" in Amazon, iTunes, and Audible.You can reach me at my Voicemail line (202) 810-KISS Email me at thekissmequicks@gmail.com Web – thekissmequicks.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rose.caraway.7 Twitter - @RoseCarawayI'd like to thank the following musical artists. Alex Beroza Antony Raijekov Azoora Chris Zabriskie Docks Flex Vector Grapes Nomina Subliner Culprate Avidd Jahzzar and the feature credits song Pocket Zombie by Flex Vector I'd like to thank Salome Wilde for bringing us Plasticity Salome Wilde can be found at salandtalerotica.comShe can also be found on twitter @SalomeWilde Which I highly recommend. She's hilarious. I'd also like to thank my good friend Lucy Malone for narrating PlasticityShe can be found at fromlucyslips.wordpress.comTwitter @LucyMalone69She's got a lot of sexy audio books in Audible and iTunes just search Lucy Malone Extra special Thank you to the Uber-talented Allen DuskHe can be found at allendusk.com Or on twitter @Allen_DuskSearch Allen Dusk in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and soon Audible and iTunes (hint-hint) I do hope you guys enjoyed today's show You can reach me at my Voicemail line (202) 810-KISSthekissmequicks.comFacebook at Rose Caraway Twitter @RoseCarawaya email- thekissmequicks@gmail.com Please remember guys, the KMQ is like the National Public Radio for sexy talk.Please Support this show and keep these stories coming by going to iTunes and Audible and searching Rose Caraway and buying an audio book. All of our support comes directly from you guys. And...After you've purchased that Audio Book, be sure to give it a lovely rating in Audible and/or iTunes and send me an email me at thekissmequicks@gmail.com to receive my new Audio Book “Tool: Eddie the Auger's Mis- Adventures in Porn” written and narrated by me FOR FREE!!! The KMQ is produced by “Big Daddy” Dayv Caraway Ok everybody, See you soon!