Bad Drivers: tormenting left-lane bandits is community service! — The Carmudgeon Show — Ep. 10
This week, we get to know the real Derek Tam-Hyphen-Scott, as he teaches us how he deals with oblivious drivers who pace each other in the left lane. Of course, he blames that bad behavior on Jason Cammisa. There are lots of opinions in this one — California drivers are bad, but it’s the Pacific Northwest that takes the crown for the worst drivers in America.
Or perhaps the world, since Derek and Jason seem to agree that American drivers have some of the worst lane-discipline on Earth. Europe, it seems, is nirvana for driving — where the whole world is your passing zone and lane-discipline is exemplary. This was especially of Germany’s Autobahns back in the day, but the boys still love it there. (At least until these two curmudgeons start whining about European drivers. Or underpowered diesel hatchbacks. Or… France.)
Jason Cammisa admits to hitting an old woman with his electric car — loud pipes save lives! — something Derek Tam-Scott doesn’t have to worry about with his deafening motorcycle. But lane-splitting, which is legal here, brings out the worst in already inattentive, passive-aggressive California drivers.
The Carmudgeon Show is a comedic, information-filled 25-minute conversation with Jason Cammisa and Derek Tam-Scott, two car enthusiasts who are curmudgeonly beyond their years. Proving you don’t have to be old to be grumpy, they spend each episode talking about what’s wrong with various parts of the automotive universe. Despite their best efforts to keep it negative, they usually wind up laughing, happy, and extolling their love for cars. Which just makes them angrier and more bitter.
Jason Cammisa is an automotive journalist, social-media figure, and TV host with over 250 million views on YouTube alone. Jason’s deeply technical understanding, made possible by a lifelong obsession with cars, allows him to fully digest what’s going on within an automobile — and then put it into simple terms for others to understand. Also, a Master’s Degree in Law trained him to be impossible to argue with.
Derek Tam-Scott still tries. He’s a young automotive expert with old-man taste in cars, and a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering — which means he knows how to be civil to Jason. Or at least he tries. With a decade and a half’s experience buying, selling, driving and brokering classic and exotic cars, he’s experienced the world’s most iconic cars. And hated most of them.
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