#016: Non-Paleo Family Members, Problematic Periods, & The Bulletproof Diet
We're back with episode #016 of The Paleo Women Podcast. Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes or Stitcher to subscribe!This week, Stefani and Noelle discuss managing life when you live with non-Paleo family members, problematic periods, and The Bulletproof Diet. Show notes can be found on Paleo for Women at paleoforwomen.com/episode16, or on Coconuts & Kettlebells at coconutsandkettlebells.com/episode16. Got a question you'd like us to answer? Email us at paleowomenpodcast@gmail.com. Topics:[9:09] Non-Paleo Family Members[20:24] Problematic Periods[32:06] The Bulletproof Diet Links! Prescript-AssistBeta-TCPThanks for your support, and for listening! We absolutely love being a part of your lives.