The Ood Cast S02E02 – Geeky Nuts & Bolts
"I like to think of the Doctor as a Liver Fluke. Now if you don't know what a Liver Fluke is, it looks a bit like a fried mushroom and you tend to find them in abattoirs ..."
This week on the Ood Cast we discuss Chris' attempt at a unified theory of time travel within the Doctor Who universe. That's right, we spend half an hour earnestly debating a fictional concept. That's how we roll on the Ood sphere.
Despite acknowledging early on that the real reason that Doctor Who's approach to time travel doesn't make sense is because the writers make it up as they go along, we press on regardless and come up with a pretty reasonable explanation that encompasses water mazes, fixed points in time, a technological reading of evolution, calcified internal organs and the fact that the Doctor is probably part-TARDIS.
Bon appetit!
P.S We believe our theory of time travel to be bullet proof and challenge you to find examples that prove us wrong. Write to us at or at Or you could address your tweet to @theoodcast. Go on ... we dare you.