Jisa Hala Me with Juergen, Yoga Siddhi and Matthias
Jisa Hala Me with Juergen, Yoga Siddhi and Matthias. The lyrics of Jisa Hala Me are written by Swami Sivananda. They mean, in what circumstances do you ever find yourself praise the beloved Krishna. You can find the text in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 62: Jisa Hāla Me Jisa Desha Me Jisa Vesha Me Raho Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Kaho Jisa Karma Me Jisa Dharma Me Jisa Marma Me Raho Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Kaho Jisa Yoga Me Jisa Roga Me Jisa Bhoga Me Raho Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Rādhā Raman Kaho