Cultivating and Caretaking the Ecosystems We Call Home with Sam Thayer
This episode was recorded at the event ‘Planting the Future: Medicinal Plant Conservation in the Driftless Region’ hosted by United Plant Savers on August 12, 2017 in Wisconsin. Beyond, sustainable harvest, we look at the long-term future of our landscape, and the special role that plant gatherers have in maintaining its ecology and prosperity. We'll talk about the threats and historical changes to our ecosystems, and discuss strategies to work and grow past them. We can do more than just "reduce our impact"—we can be a positive force to create and maintain vibrant and diverse communities of native plants that are at once productive for us and a paradise for wildlife. Nurturing the land that nurtures us. The Driftless Area will be used as an example for ecological and management concepts that apply everywhere. We'll explore some traditional, mutually beneficial relationships between Native peoples and the plants that support them, and discuss practical techniques for implementing this kind of harmony on our own sacred gathering grounds. BECOME A MEMBER OF UNITED PLANT SAVERS Join our community!Subscribe to the Mountain Rose Herbs newsletterSubscribe to Mountain Rose Herbs on YouTubeFollow on InstagramLike on FacebookFollow on PinterestFollow on TwitterRead the Mountain Rose Herbs blogFollow on TikTokStrengthening the bonds between people and plants for a healthier world. Mountain Rose