5 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog
"For so many of my patients, much of what’s driving their lack of well-being is rooted in the way they live their lives. Contrary to what science used to think—that we are victims of our genetics—we realize today that there are so many ways we can live our lives that can positively (or negatively) impact the expression of our genes. We’ve gone back to the ways of our grandmothers, leaning on ancient wisdom to inform new habits. Nature and nurture are intricately intertwined in the tapestry that is our lives. The great news is, staying healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Try making these five basics a part of your weekly routine and experience what it will do for your happiness and well-being!" ~Dr. Tieraona Low Dog Thanks for listening! Mountain Rose Herbswww.mountainroseherbs.com "For so many of my patients, much of what’s driving their lack of well-being is rooted in the way they live their lives. Contrary to what science used to think—that we are victims of our genetics—we realize today that there are so many ways we can live our lives that can positively (or negatively) impact the expression of our genes. We’ve gone back to the ways of our grandmothers, leaning on ancient wisdom to inform new habits. Nature and nurture are intricately intertwined in the tapestry that is our lives. The great news is, staying healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Try making these five basics a part of your weekly routine and experience what it will do for your happiness and well-being!" ~Dr. Tieraona Low Dog Thanks for listening! Mountain Rose Herbswww.mountainroseherbs.com Thanks for listening! Mountain Rose Herbswww.mountainroseherbs.com Join our community!Subscribe to the Mountain Rose Herbs newsletterSubscribe to Mountain Rose Herbs on YouTubeFollow on InstagramLike on FacebookFollow on PinterestFollow on TwitterRead the Mountain Rose Herbs blog Strengthening the bonds between people and plants for a healthier world.