Episode 1: The Pilot
Are you podcast listeners ready for the next great and entertaining podcast of 2020!? Allow us to introduce "What's Real?" with Ed Demko and Jared Bajoras (Produced by Camden Haldeman). Join the guys for the historic first episode of the "What's Real?" podcast. In the pilot episode Ed and Jared breakdown the 2019 NFL Playoffs first round. They give their take on what was the Pittsburgh Steelers 2019 season. This episode also contains a great discussion of some of their personal favorite films of 2019. The inaugural first episode also has a classic personal story of the guy's mutual close friend that tragically passed away recently and who this episode is proudly dedicated to. Give us a listen and spend some quality time in Ed and Jared's "world". And remember, on this crazy planet Earth sometimes we all just gotta ask, "What's Real?"
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