Chakras -- The Complete Set (40 Min)
This track is the complete Chakra set. Proceed with caution. The eight noumenal centers of energy in the body are all activated in this guided meditation. Then you are guided through moving the energy within each Chakra, among multiple chakras and finally out into the universal Chakras.The concept of Chakras was passed down probably for thousands of years in the oral tradition of the Indian subcontinent before emerging in the various sacred texts of Buddhism and Hinduism. There are some pretty wild legends, Marvel Comics-style, of god-like beings forging spinning weapons from stars and concentrating down extreme energy rays into something lower beings could handle. This sort of mythology continued to develop right into the middle ages. By that point, things got out of hand and rather than the typical seven or eight chakras, there developed theories of hundreds or even 10s of thousands!In this exercise, we keep it simple and explore the activation of our chakras as a path to experiencing our true self and discovering our true home in the oneness with all things that comes from stillness.For the companion podcast covering the theory behind why these meditations work, check out the Serena system podcast at See for privacy and opt-out information.