How Don Reversed Heart Disease Using His Food as Medicine — E03
We are very excited to launch the Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience! In this episode, you will hear Don share the benefits of switching from the typically prescribed high-fat, high-protein diabetes diet to a low-fat, plant-based, whole foods diet. In addition to drastically lowering his insulin use, gaining control of his blood glucose numbers, and increasing his daily carb count, he also was able to reverse heart disease and completely avoid bypass surgery as the result of using food as medicine. As a pleasant side effect, Don also lost 50 pounds without calorie counting or portion control. Don is now nearing being medication-free for the first time in 25 years. To sign up for the Mastering Diabetes Program, please visit Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes! Please review the Mastering Diabetes Audio Experience on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher to ensure that the Mastering Diabetes message reaches as many people living with diabetes as possible. Thanks for listening.