Ep 21 Porn Star Mia Isabella, Liz Miele's Feminist Sex a Subhah Agarwal on Masturbating Wrong
Enjoy our live show recorded in front of a fun, rowdy crowd at the Museum of Sex Play Lounge. We interview porn star Mia Isabella from Grand Theft Auto V and Sons of Anarchy(fun fact: she gauges penis size by measuring your lower lip. Host Allan Finn stuck his out as far as it could go during the interview); Comedian Subhah Agarwal discusses overly aggressive men, her sex number, and masturbating the wrong way; Liz Miele reveals the inspiration behind her feminist sex positions and opens up about her relationship with George Carlin; and Amanda Gail delivers the Hard News! Featuring Sydnee Washington, Erik Bransteen, Gary Levitt, Amy Corsaro, and Miguel Dalmau with special guest panelists Ralph Sutton and Sheba Mason!