EP. #26 THE SKIN EPISODE - cosmetic acupuncture instead of botox, hot baths for acne + upping your YIN to plump your SKIN
This week on What's the Juice Amrit Singh and I nerd out about cosmetic acupuncture as an alternative to botox, how to stimulate production of your OWN collagen (instead of just supplementing), hot baths for acne, and other uncommon techniques from Traditional Chinese Medicine. We're covering several of my favorite topics: how emotional states can affect your physical meridians, how to protect your immune system, your lymphatic system, and the importance of your "Shen". BTW your "Shen" symbolizes your spirit; it’s a combo of happiness, alignment, fulfillment, energy, and how you deeply nourish yourself. Amrit and I get specific about how you can improve your skin using a whole body perspective, because the truth is, even the priciest serum won't give you that GLOW if your "Shen" isn't nourished. We're going more than skin deep with this episode, so get your notebooks ready and let's get juicy! Read full show notes HERE Connect with Amrit HERE Connect with Olivia HERE