Yin Yang Alchemy for Spiritual Enlightenment with Adam DaVirro
Better orgasms, weight loss, enlightenment a emotional healing! Learn how balances and imbalance of the Yin a Yang energies within our bodies profoundly affect health, mood, weight, energy, sexuality, digestion and consciousness. Adam DaVirro and Ananata Ananda pack this episode with valuable insights on understanding how to balance and harmonize the Yin Yang energies also associated with the Feminine and Masculine. Learn how the imbalances between the Yin and Yang can create disease in the body. Explore the Chinese Elements in Nature: Wood, Earth, Fire, Metal and Water and what conditions are created when one or more is not in harmony. Gender tendencies, social programming, expectations that impact personal Yin Yang balance are discussed. They discuss how the feminine Yin is rising on the planet as we learn to heal ourselves and honor the environment. They address the challenges of men to stop and feel when they are programmed for movement a survival. Learn practices to improve your sex life and how to harness and expand your sexual energies with tantra and microcosmic orbit of circulating chi with your intimate partner. How the yin receptive aspect allows the access to divine guidance and insight and the Yin Yang balance creates heightened sense of awareness, intuition, inner knowing, grace, calm clarity, joy, surrender a peace – allowing natural synchronicities and soul’s mission to rise. The power of trust, allowing and surrender when embracing life’s challenges. The force of personal will when aligned with divine plan and honoring the divine timing of our own personal path – like the lotus flowering open at just the right time. PODCAST Landing Page a FREE Gift links found here: https://shamangelichealing.com/yin-yang-alchemy-spiritual-enlightenment-adam-davirro Adam DaVirro Website: https://www.sedonaacupuncture.com/ Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/ Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/