Radical Courage: Hide or Be Seen with Robin Rorex
Learn how authenticity and radical courage is the liberating path to empowerment and reclaiming your personal power. Anahata and Robin share a vulnerable inspiring discussion about their own paths, obstacles as well as fears and insecurities they faced along the way. They explore the benefits of healing the inner child and the courage to choose compassion and forgiveness for self and others. How essential it is to embrace the pain and heal the wounds from the past, instead of sedating, blaming, avoiding, running, ignoring and distracting. Discover the irony that our traumas, challenges and pains have been preparing us for our soul’s mission. They discuss the traps of seeking external validation for worthiness, acceptance, love and success and the costs associated with those choices. How to experience total liberation by radically unapologetically embracing oneself, one’s voice and one’s truth. How celebrating and embracing diversity is the path to understanding, healing the collective wounds of humanity and moving forward together with collaborative solutions for the new paradigm. This Shamangelic Healing podcast is packed with juicy pearls of truth and insight to help you rise up and shine your authentic power and share your unique gifts with humanity. The time is now, get off the bench and into the game and bring your authentic leadership, personal truth and radical courage with you! PODCAST Landing Page a FREE Gift links found here: https://tiny.cc/Ep7authenticity Robin Rorex Website: https://www.i-am-grace.com Robin Rorex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robin.rorex Robin Rorex Instagram: @robinrorex Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/ Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/