Healing Through Mind Body Connection with Taylor Stone
Reclaim your health and wellness through mind body connection and mindfulness meditation. In a world filled with stress, disease, chronic pain and obsessed with body image, learn how to bring a deep sense of wellness, balance and peace back to your life. In this authentic discussion with former NFL cheerleader and current health a vitality coach Taylor Stone, and Anahata Ananda, Shamanic healer, soul guide and founder of Shamangelic Healing, simple strategies to heal anxiety, manage stress and reclaim health and vitality are shared. Learn how to interpret the body’s signals and honor the wisdom of the emotional body. Explore how mindfulness meditation and a positive mindset can accelerate your body’s natural healing potential. By breaking away from detrimental habits, limiting beliefs and addictions, we learn how WE are the most powerful Influence on our own health and wellbeing. This Shamangelic Healing podcast episode is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help you reclaim your vibrant physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. PODCAST Landing Page a FREE GIFT LINKS here: https://tiny.cc/Ep5TaylorStone Taylor Website: https://www.innergoddesshealth.com Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/ Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/