Whitney Miller on Self Confidence a Being a Badass
Explore what contributes to self-confidence, empowerment and a winning mindset for a thriving life with former Miss United States Whitney Miller. Learn about the costs of conformity and the rewards of authenticity. Discover how to embrace failures as lessons and opportunities to learn about life and make improvements. Learn strategies of how to deal with haters, critics and judgement. Explore the power of visualization, positive mindset and law of attraction as winning success strategies. Understand how to have healthier intimate relationships with less attachment and codependency. This radically revealing Shamangelic Healing podcast discussion between Whitney Miller, sports anchor and relationship coach, and Anahata Ananda, founder of Shamangelic Healing is packed with inspiring pearls of wisdom and authentic insights to help you embrace your authenic power with courage, self-confidence and a healthy sense of adventure. PODCAST Landing Page a FREE GIFT LINKS here: https://tiny.cc/Ep4WhitneyMiller Whitney Miller Instagram: @whitnlove Anahata Ananda Website: https://shamangelichealing.com/ Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda Anahata YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing Anahata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing/