Meet "one percenter" Dawid Krige: China-focused Buffett devotee who generated 75% last year

Ever since my first visit to the Berkshire Hathaway AGM back in 2006, I’ve been keeping an eye out for investment professionals who follow the Warren Buffett Playbook. There aren’t as many as you’d expect, considering the fantastic record that the Oracle of Omaha has built-up during more than half a century of market-beating returns. Many of those who claim to follow his approach make too many adjustments to be true Buffett disciples. But the intervention of a Biznews community member pointed me towards the real deal, the London-based Saffer Dawid Krige, the man behind Cederberg Capital whose performance ranks it in the top 1% of all money funds on earth. Krige’s fund, which focusses exclusively on investing in companies based in Greater China, last year produced an astonishing 75% return for his investors. Here's the story of the man who is applying the Buffett Way to astonishing effect in the world's great growth market, China.

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