Episode 44: Grief, Grieving and the End of Life
The end of life is devastatingly hard, and difficult to navigate, for those grieving a loss, as well as the friends, family & colleagues of people grieving. We don't know what to do, what not to do, or how to cope. Dr. Jennifer Levin, a traumatic grief counselor, talks us through understanding, coping with, and even growing with grief.
Jennifer R. Levin, PhD, MPH, MFT. Trauma and grief therapist, marriage and family counselor, with extensive experience in counseling and education on trauma, death and dying, bereavement, and loss.
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AARP Advanced Directives Legal forms and guides for planning your end of life care, by USA state.
Five Wishes Discussion guides and forms on advanced care planning, for people to let loved ones know their wishes in advance of an expected or unexpected trauma or death. Helps people talk about end of life wishes with their family.
From Grief to Growth, Online resource (Traumatic Grief resources, Covid-19 and Grief resources, free mini course) and support website by our podcast guest, Dr. Jennifer R. Levin.
Religious organizations provide support groups and resources for those experiencing loss.
Hospitals usually provide support groups and resources for those experiencing loss.