Igor Milevskiy: What’s in Your Water? #14

Your body is roughly 60% water. Your brain around 75%. What kind of water are your body and brain made of? Did you know that tap water is one of the most toxic (and in my opinion, disgusting) substances that you can put in your body? What’s so bad about it you might ask? Below are just a few of the common contaminants we discuss in this episode. Keep in mind that in most major cities the municipal water is recycled, so just imagine that anything and everything that people flush down the toilet or drain end up back in the water supply. Sure, it is sanitized with more chemicals to disinfect it, but the much of the residue from all that nastiness remains in the water you’re making your baby formula with, brushing your teeth with, or worse yet- drinking. Check this out, but before you do place your hand under your chin to avoid having your jaw drop and hit the ground. Lubrication and semen from used condoms Birth control pills Viagra Lead Fluoride Anti-depressants Hair dye chemicals Dry cleaning chemicals Ammonia Radiation from chemotherapy Need we go on? Are you getting the idea? But you only drink “filtered” water right? Well, unfortunately, many of the most poisonous compounds in water are tough to get out. Or perhaps you don’t even drink filtered water because you know that. But what about the water you cook with, bathe yourself (of your child) in, and all of the bottled drinks you drink contain mostly “filtered water”? How about that soup you had at the Thai spot last night? Tap water. The ices cubes in your team from Starbucks? Tap water. The water in your hot tub or swimming pool? You guessed it. Tap water. The stuff is everywhere, and it’s nearly impossible to avoid. Many popular bottled “spring water” brands are also just overpriced tap water. So what do we do?? In this interview, I take an in-depth look at these issues with water expert Igor Milevskiy, and I promise you will walk away with some very effective solutions that you can quickly and somewhat easily apply. Do the humankind a favor and share this episode by tweeting it, Facebook posting it, or just emailing/texting it to a few of your family members and friends. There is a solution, but only if we build awareness, and stop relying on the companies who sell us the water to tell us the truth. To your health and happiness, Luke

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