Ep. 04 Sustainable Energy Inside City Limits
Renewable energy is quickly becoming more affordable and accessible than ever, but can these systems be successfully implemented on your urban homestead? Former MOTHER EARTH NEWS editor, Kale Roberts, spoke with green building expert Dan Chiras to get some ideas about sensible alternative energy sources, how effective you might find them, and to discuss other simple ways to make your home more energy efficient. Check the links below for topics in the podcast that may have piqued your interest: ICLEI: Local Governments for SustainabilityThe Evergreen Institute For those of you interested in experimenting with solar right away, Kale Roberts has some projects to recommend! Each of these could be knocked out in a weekend, and they're all great ways to begin saving more energy than ever. DIY Solar Heat Grabber:DIY Solar Heating with the Heat Grabber DIY Solar Oven:How to Build a Solar OvenMaking a Solar Cooker for FreeEveryday Solar Cooking DIY Solar Still:How to Make a Solar Still Check out the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Bookstore for more resources that may pique your interests! To see more podcasts, visit our Mother Earth News and Friends page! Check out the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR page for an opportunity to see our podcast guest live! The Mother Earth News and Friends podcast is a production of Ogden Publications.