15: Messing Up Metabolism, Food During Extended Fast, Bulimia, Diurnal Fasting, Fat-Adapted Enough To Fast, Infrared Sauna Therapy

Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from IntensiveDietaryManagement.com and Dr. Fung’s Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy and Dr. Fung are the coauthors of the 2016 international bestseller The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and, along with Megan, are happy to provide this podcast as an additional resource for anyone curious about going on a fast to improve their health. We love hearing from our listeners with new questions–send an email to Jimmy at livinlowcarbman@charter.net. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Megan delve into the depths of all things fasting in Episode 15. FASTING NEVER TASTED THIS GOOD COUPON CODE “FASTINGTALK” FOR 10% OFF 1ST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship KEY QUOTE: "I've received feedback from patients that say the podcast is a great way to reinforce why they are doing this. When cravings come, listen to Fasting Talk." – Megan J. Ramos Here’s what Jimmy and Megan talked about in Episode 15: FEEDBACK: The latest one with Jason, is simply staggering in its implications. What will it take, seriously to get this man the recognition he richly deserves! Thank you for giving him a platform to share the ideas, so well presented. And lastly, sadly what can we do when we have friends and loved ones who don't want to hear anything other than the Standard of Care? Julian GIVE YOUR ELECTROLYTES A SUGAR-FREE BOOST USE COUPON CODE “LLVLC” FOR $10 OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship TESTIMONY: Hey Megan, I just wanted to tell you how your advice to switch it up is working for me. I'm on my second time through a 6 day cycle of 3 days fasting followed by 3 days feasting. Before I started, I was eating keto to satiety and slowly gaining weight. I was eating a lot at night, eating lots of macadamias, and drinking wine. So, I was primed for a change. My first day of a 3-day fast started with keto coffee (lots of coconut oil and a pinch of cayenne). Midday I had a mug of bone broth with a Tbsp of butter melted in it. At night I went right for salt-water with a dash of Chipotle chili pepper powder. I use Morton lite-salt so I can get some Potassium. On the second and third days of the fast I only drank black coffee and my hot salt-water concoction. At the end of the 3-day fast my fingers were getting cold but I had lost 7 pounds. I broke the fast with a handful of nuts and then a big meal after about 30 minutes. I feasted for 3 days eating 2 meals a day within a 6-hour window for an 18-hour intermittent fast. I know I overate a couple times with plenty of butter and macadamia nuts for lots of fat—lots. I was poaching burgers in butter, eating rib eye steaks, fried fish with keto breading, and an entire jar of tartar sauce. Still, I didn't gain an ounce in the 3 days that I feasted. Yesterday was my first day back to fasting. I started the day with keto coffee again, and my salt-water concoction with 1 tbsp of butter, and a couple more of those without the butter later in the day. This morning I had lost another 3 pounds. So, that's 10 pounds in 7 days—the most weight I've ever lost in a week. Ever. Also, last night my blood sugar was the lowest I've ever recorded it at 66. The first day of fasting is challenging, even the second time around. Last night I was dreaming of fast food. But, I got over it, and it was smooth sailing again here on Day 2. This pattern seems to really be working for me and I plan to continue on this path until it stops working. Thanks for the great advice. You guys are awesome. Carl KEY QUOTE: "When you're fasting don't have butter coffee six times a day, and when you're eating don't hold back. Fast when you're fasting, eat when you're eating." – Jimmy Moore GET A $39 BOTTLE OF OLIVE OIL FOR JUST A BUCKGET YOUR $39 BOTTLE FOR JUST $1 NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship HOT TOPIC: Fasting: Worried about messing up metabolism by “doing it wrong” 1. Does eating a small amount of food in the middle of an extended fast impact my insulin levels and fasting efforts? Hey Jimmy and Megan, I love The Complete Guide to Fasting and have learned so much from it and your Fasting Talk podcast. I have a question for you guys. I started my fast on Thursday at 7:30pm and went until 11:30pm Saturday temporarily breaking the fast with 1 Tbs of natural peanut butter and a few bites of brussels sprouts. Then I decided to fast all day Sunday throughTuesday at 7:30 PM. All in all, it was a total of five days with that little bit of food. What if anything did that food break do to my insulin levels and fasting efforts? I have three small children and can’t check my insulin levels, so any insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated. All the best, Brieanne 2. Can someone with bulimia or binge eating disorder engage in fasting? Would this be beneficial or detrimental towards their efforts of overcoming it? Dear Jimmy and Megan, I have read your book on fasting and it was so full of great knowledge that I am grateful for. I am currently breastfeeding, so I am not fasting right now. But I am looking forward to start fasting soon. In your book I took notice of how people with eating disorders, specifically anorexia, shouldn't be fasting and this makes a lot sense. But what about people who have bulimia and binge eating disorder? Should they also steer clear of fasting? Are there any physical or hormonal benefits to be gained for someone like this to start fasting or will this simply perpetuate the binging behavior. Thanks for this podcast and for your amazing work! Teresa JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S KETO LIVING SUPPLEMENTS 3. Is Diurnal Fasting with no food or beverages during daylight hours a viable option for fasting? Can you guys talk about the health effects of what is known as Diurnal Fasting where you engage in complete abstinence from food and beverages during daylight hours? Is this a good way to fast and are there any potential downfalls to doing it this way as compared to what you teach in the IDM clinic? Thank you, Catherine 4. How will I know when I am fat-adapted enough to push my fasting periods beyond intermittent fasting? I have been doing some form of LCHF/keto since August 2016 and have lost 30 pounds. I've been following the mantra to only eat when I’m hungry which is how I started unintentionally intermittent fasting. Most days I end up doing 18:6 but just can't get past 20 hours. I hear people say to get fully fat-adapted before trying longer fasting, so how will I know when I am there? Thanks in advance, Danielle WORLD’S 1ST REUSABLE BREATH KETONE ANALYZER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship 5. Is it okay to use infrared sauna therapy while fasting? Hi Jimmy and Megan, Quick question: Should I use my infrared sauna when I'm fasting? Toby iTunes review: LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 15 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Fasting never tasted as good as when you use LifeBox. (Get 10% off your first order with the coupon code FASTINGTALK) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1. – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from Ketonix.com – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the new lemon-lime flavored Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme supplement (Get $10 off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”) – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” – Dr. Jason Fung from Intensive Dietary Management – Megan Ramos from Intensive Dietary Management – The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting – Get the full audiobook read by Jimmy on Audible – Fung Shweigh Facebook page

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