6: Constantly Hungry, Adequate Calories During IF, Gallstones, Low Ketones, Negative Side Effects Of Extended Fast, Fasting vs. HCG
LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD AT ITUNES Veteran health podcaster, blogger, international speaker, and bestselling author Jimmy Moore from "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" teams up with Toronto, Ontario Canada-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung from IntensiveDietaryManagement.com and Dr. Fung's Clinical Director at his Intensive Dietary Management Program clinic Megan Ramos on this podcast dedicated to answering YOUR questions about intermittent, alternate day, and extended fasting. Jimmy and Dr. Fung are the coauthors of the 2016 international bestseller The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting and, along with Megan, are happy to provide this podcast as an additional resource for anyone curious about going on a fast to improve their health. We love hearing from our listeners with new questions--send an email to Jimmy at livinlowcarbman@charter.net. And if you're not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Megan answer your burning questions all about fasting in Episode 6. FREE N=1 TRACKING TOOL AT HEADS UP HEALTH Here’s what Jimmy and Megan talked about in Episode 6: - HOT TOPIC: Aren’t You Constantly Hungry When You Are Fasting? KEY QUOTE: “Keep busy and schedule things that you like to do during meal times to take your mind off of eating.” – Megan Ramos 1. Is eating 500-1000 calories on days I intermittent fast going to lower my basal metabolic rate? I find that when I intermittent fast for at least 18-24 hours, I usually only eat 500-1000 calories on those days. I eat about 46 grams of protein between one or two meals and less than 25 grams of carbs all from green leafy vegetables. The rest of my calories come from fat like butter, MCT oil, coconut oil, rendered bacon fat and olive oil. I only eat clean and avoid nuts, nut flour, artificial sweeteners, and all processed foods, and only eat 100% grass-fed and pastured meats, poultry, pork and eggs and wild fish. My blood glucose is excellent and I test my blood ketones regularly with readings always between 1.0-2.0 mmol. Should I add more of something (probably fat) to bring up my calories on days I intermittent fast so as not to lower my basal metabolic rate? Is it a problem to only get 500-1000 on these days I do IF? I'm just not that hungry but could eat more if I had to. Thank you in advance for your help and thank you for all you guys do everyday! With immense appreciation, Deb BECOME A NUTRITIONAL THERAPY PRACTITIONERSign up by February 6, 2017 for the 9-month program NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship 2. Should I be concerned about developing gallstones while intermittent fasting? I'm one of the genetically unlucky people whose blood sugar spikes on anything—even eating low-carb. I've lived a low-carb, gluten-free, sugar-free, Paleo, Specific Carbohydrate, and GAPS diet for many years but still have consistently high fasting sugars (6.5-7 mmol or 115-125 mg/dL) and am so insulin resistant with abdominal obesity rearing its ugly head. I've been a Jimmy Moore fan for ages but recently found Dr. Fung’s work and love what he’s doing because it makes so much sense. I'm now eating within a 9-hour window but have in the past had acute gallstones on very low-calorie, rapid weight loss plans. Needless to say, I’m nervous about doing this or going longer in my fasting because of these fears. My health takes a big dive if I go to extremes like fasting with my thyroid issues (Hashimoto’s) and liver problems (extreme Gilbert's disease). Are people like me just not suited for fasting? And if fasting is helpful for me, then what would you recommend to avoid these gallstone problems? Thanks for helping me with this issue! Jayne KEY QUOTE: “Fasting is not a fad diet with lots of rules to follow. It's simple, just don't eat.” – Jimmy Moore 3. Why am I not showing ketone production after four days of fasting? I have been fasting for 96 consecutive hours and my Ketonix breath ketone meter is registering little to no ketones. After 96 hours, I must have depleted the glucose in my system by now. In my mind I have to be producing ketones but it’s not showing up on this meter. What could be going on here? By the way, I’ve lost 39 pounds and 2 inches off my waist since September 15, 2016. I did enjoy three days of holiday eating with my family and fell out of ketosis after the third day. But I’ve been implementing fasting ever since and cannot get the Ketonix to register any ketones. Thanks in advance if you can offer any insights. Dennis 4. How do I deal with the negative side effects that happen to me during an extended fast? I have been on a ketogenic diet since April 2015 and decided to do a water-only fast in December 2016 to calibrate my new Ketonix breath ketone device. A 24-hour water fast is necessary to determine the low border and a 96 hour fast is necessary for the high border of my personal ketosis. I felt so good after four days that I decided to keep it going. Today is Day 6 and I’ve been having some problems since Day 3, including a general feeling of cold, pain in my calves, brain fog, and more. Is this normal? How can I resolve these issues and should I be concerned? Should I be supplementing my extended fast with salt, bone broth, and iodine? I appreciate your answering my questions! Dirk JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S KETO LIVING SUPPLEMENTS 5. Is fasting a better option than the HCG diet to produce weight loss? Is fasting similar do doing the HCG diet? I have done five rounds of it over the past years to lose weight that otherwise just doesn’t come off, but each time the weight came back on faster. And now not only can I not lose weight, I am continuing to gain and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. I suspect HCG slowed my metabolism because of the low-calorie intake putting my body is survival mode holding on to fat. Is this what is happening? After reading The Complete Guide To Fasting, it makes so much sense to me and I’m wondering if fasting would be a better option than the HCG diet. I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I'm very discouraged. Do you think fasting could help me? Please say yes. Kelley iTunes review: Send us YOUR questions for Fasting Talk HERE WORLD’S 1ST REUSABLE BREATH KETONE ANALYZER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 6 - Start tracking your health markers for FREE at HeadsUpHealth.com - SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association at NutritionalTherapy.com – JIMMY AND DR. ADAM NALLY’S NEW SUPPLEMENT LINE: Try the KetoEssentials Multivitamin and Berberine Plus ketogenic-enhancing supplements – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from Ketonix.com - Jimmy Moore from "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" - Dr. Jason Fung from Intensive Dietary Management - Megan Ramos from Intensive Dietary Management - The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting - Get the full audiobook read by Jimmy on Audible - Fung Shweigh Facebook page