8. Why Non-Toxic Skincare is Critical for Whole-Body Health, the Magical History of Osea Skincare a Their Non-Toxic, Environmentally Friendly Products w/Founder Jenefer Palmer
This enrapturing interview with the founder, Jenefer Palmer, of the family-owned skincare company OSEA walks us through some of the common terms used in the skincare industry, which are important to focus on along with the many toxins in common skincare products and why they should be avoided. Jenefer shares her unique family history surrounding clean living, her personal journey into the skincare industry, what inspired her to create a truly non-toxic and environmentally friendly skincare line and some of the key ingredients in OSEA products. Other Topics Discussed: The serious lack of regulation in the skincare industry in regards to ingredients and chemicals used The difference between regulations in the US vs. Europe The meaning behind the company name “OSEA” Why seaweed is a key ingredient in their products and the magical story of how they source their seaweed Why OSEA packages everything in glass Interview Links: Website: https://credobeauty.com/ (Credo Beauty Market) Website: https://www.thedetoxmarket.com/ (Detox Market) Website: https://www.bcpp.org/ (Breast Cancer Prevention Partners) My Favorite Osea Products:http://shrsl.com/2jro2 (Ocean Cleansing Mud) http://shrsl.com/2jro3 (Hyaluronic Sea Serum) http://shrsl.com/2jro6 (Blemish Balm) http://shrsl.com/2jro8 (Black Algae Flash Mask) Magnetic Moment Links: Article: https://www.leighannlindsey.com/16-harmful-ingredients-in-products-to-avoid-why/ (16 Harmful Ingredients in Products to Avoid a Why) Article: https://www.leighannlindsey.com/what-is-fragrance-and-why-you-should-avoid-it/ (What is “Fragrance” a Why You Should Avoid It) Where to Find OSEA: https://shrsl.com/2jrnx (Website) https://www.instagram.com/oseamalibu (Instagram) Where to Find Me: https://www.leighannlindsey.com/ (Website) https://www.instagram.com/leighannlindsey/ (Instagram)