#002: Wade Lightheart: Activating Peak Optimal Health
In this episode Integrative Nutrition Expert Ronnie Landis introduces his good friend and colleague Wade Lightheart. Wade is a 3 time national natural body building champion, master sports nutritionist, researcher, and world traveler. We dive deep into Wade's background as a professional body builder and how he came to transform not only his body but his entire health through raw living foods and natural living. Beyond that we go deep into the most common health myths regarding popular diets, the booby traps everyone needs to look out for, and how to maximize your health of body, mind, and spirit in the twenty first century! WHAT WE DISCUSS IN THIS INTERVIEW: HOW HE DAMAGED HIS BODY WITH A BODY BUILDING "STANARD AMERICAN" DIET WHAT IS THE TRUE CAUSE OF CELLULAR AGING THE DANGERS OF ESTROGEN BASED TOXINS WHY HIGH RAW LIVING PLANT NUTRITION IS OPTIMAL FOR PEAK HEALTH SOLOAR(SUN) NUTRITION TO LIGHT UP THE BODY WHY THE CALORIE MODEL OF NUTRITION IS FALSE HOW TO STOP COUNTING CALORIES AND BEGIN EATING REAL FOOD FINDING YOUR PERSONAL TRUTH TOWARDS HEALTH AND LIFE AND SO MUCH MORE! Wade Lightheart's Website: http://wadelightheart.ca/ Biooptimizers Enzymes / Probiotics: http://bioptimizers.com/?a_aid=hhmaaa_bid=743669db Holistic Health Mastery Course: www.holistichealthmastery.com