The Originals S:1 | The Casket Girls E:10 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow
AFTERBUZZ TV -- The Originals edition, is a weekly "after show" for fans of CW's The Originals. In this episode, host DJ Jesse Janedy breaks down the episode in which locals prepare to celebrate the annual Casket Girls Festival in the French Quarter. Meanwhile, Davina tries to free Cami from Klaus's mind compulsion; and Hayley is forced to make a difficult decision after she receives an unexpected phone call. There to help Jesse are co-hosts Roxy Striar, Paige Sullivan, and Kristen Snyder. It's The Originals' "The Casket Girls" podcast! Follow us on "Like" Us on For more of your post-game wrap up shows for your favorite TV shows, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit