Adam Grant, Rachel Botsman, Matt Mullenweg and others on how they get focused work done in a world of digital distractions.
Staying focused on work that matters and resisting digital distractions can be a big challenge for the best of us. In this mix-tape episode, you’ll get to hear several guests’ strategies for how they maintain focus in a world full of digital temptations. This episode covers:* Why bestselling author and Wharton Professor Adam Grant doesn’t recommend going cold turkey on social media and other “distractions"* Adam Grant’s “rules" for checking social media* Why Rachel Botsman, the world’s leading authority on technology and trust, stopped using her mobile phone as an alarm clock* How planning ahead helps WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg resist the temptation of digital distractions* How Matt Mullenweg creates healthy habits and hacks to minimise unhelpful temptation* Why Sarah Green Carmichael, Executive Editor at HBR, loves working from home* How Sarah Green Carmichael deals with procrastination* Moment CEO Tim Kendall’s tactics for staying focused, including a very extreme method* Where Tim Kendall leaves his phone at night. Check out for full show notes. Get in touch at