In our modern world, there is a false narrative that women are supposed to eat less, lift light, and do tons of cardio over, eating like a normal human, and progressive resistance training.
This can lead down a negative path of severe calorie restriction and a decreased quality of living in hopes of chasing 'the perfect' look. I think this is so silly and a toxic way of thinking. Beauty comes in many forms and there are other qualities beyond someone's physical appearance that make them beautiful.
Sometimes it’s not about eating less and doing more.
Oftentimes, it’s about eating enough to fuel performance/recovery, identifying specific goals with your body composition, or performance and enjoying your training!
In this episode of anabolic radio, I had the pleasure of chatting to Sharelle Grant. Sharelle, previously has 7+ years of experience working as a midwife/nurse whilst this was her career- she had a massive passion for fitness and taking care of her health. Eventually, Sharelle decided to peruse her passion and since then has been working for herself full-time. In this episode, we chat about the nuances of fitness for Women and extra precautions that should be taken into account when it comes to nutrition/training.
Tune into the full episode to listen to our discussion’
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