#17 Vaccines (part 2): what's all the fuss about?
Are you willing to take a closer look at the vaccine issue? Where does the truth lie? The media tells us that anyone who questions the efficacy of vaccines is anti-science. In fact, there are "hundreds and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies [which] document the problems with vaccines, and yet these are not being acknowledged," says our guest Leslie Manookian. In today's episode, she explores the reasons for the cover-up. She also delves into studies that show the link between vaccines and myriad illnesses such as autism, cancer, seizures, auto-immune disease, behavioral problems, speech delays, and much more. But there is no need to despair. Backed by promising studies, Leslie presents some sound alternatives to vaccinations. Leslie is the writer and producer of the award-winning documentary "The Greater Good." She encourages everyone to look into this issue carefully, as current vaccination schedules may be jeopardizing our health. Leslie says, “We have essentially swapped the short-term suppression of disease for the prospect of very expensive, very debilitating life-time chronic disease.”