#7 Hidden dangers to our health
For years we've seen cholesterol and fat as enemies to our health. Research scientist Stephanie Seneff makes it clear that we've been looking in the wrong direction. Because of her husband's diagnosis of heart disease, she began investigating the root cause of the condition. In the process, she found that dietary deficiencies and environmental toxins were the real problem. And that the statins that doctors were prescribing were harming, rather than helping patients. (Statins have been linked to many conditions, including those we associate with aging: cataracts, diabetes, hair loss, and arthritis, for example.) She also discovered that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Round Up, threatens everyone's well-being, and links it, among other things, to autism and Alzheimers, and, yes, to heart disease. What does Stephanie recommend for safeguarding your health? For starters, a diet of organic foods, rich in sulfur, and, surprisingly, fat and cholesterol.