Encouragement and Love for the Wife of an Alcoholic
In today’s post, I am actually going to do something a little different. I’m not going to give you a tip. Today, I just want to encourage you. Tips and advice are good and can be super helpful, but sometimes we all just need a friend to encourage us. And that’s what my heart was telling me you needed today. No how-tos. Just encouragement and love. Just a friend to come alongside you and remind you that I understand and it will be okay. There might be times you want to leave your alcoholic partner, but you love him or her too much. You are worried about your family and how to survive without your loved one. What will you do for money? Where will you live? You don’t feel strong enough. You are hoping life will get easier. You need someone to tell you that soon, you will be happy. You want nothing more than to be told that your loved one will get sober for good. You feel alone and your heart hurts. Your life is out of control and your partner's bad habits are taking over. Anger is always living beneath the surface of your skin. There are moments you actually question if you are going crazy. You are jealous of other people’s happiness. How did you get here? How did this become your life? Will it ever get better? There are no tips or suggestions in this post. I just wanted you to know that I get it. I understand. I care about you. I think about you every day and I am on a mission to help you. My life’s purpose is to deliver the message that will help heal your heart and help you get the love you deserve. Have hope, my sweet friend. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved. You are deserving of unconditional love, goodness, and kindness. Trust that it will get better. You have a future and through this pain, you will come out a stronger woman. Yes, your bruises will show. Your cuts will be scars, but you will come out alive. Better. More beautiful than you’ve ever been. That pain and those scars will serve you and inspire others. They are purposeful. You will be used to help and heal. Because you have gifts. You’re important. You matter to me and to God. So keep your eyes on Him. Keep looking up and trust you’re not alone. Not for one second. Not in the moments of anger or the moments of quiet stillness that leave you feeling empty and alone. Even when you can’t see the hope and all you see are obstacles – have faith to let it go and trust that the pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming. There is such amazing wisdom in our online group. If you’re interested in joining us – we would LOVE to have you. You get immediate access after you purchase any one of the programs. And because the group is secret, none of your friends and family will be able to tell you’re a member or see your posts.