Heart Meditation 01:06
This Mystic Body Meditation will help you connect to your chakras using the energy of your heart chakra. The heart chakra is the center of healing. It is the color green. Once you open your heart chakra by listening to that chakra you will find it easier to relax your whole body and release stress. This chakra unlike all others will connect you to your whole body. The heart chakra is best symbolized by the yin yang symbol. Think of the energy as moving in a circle going up your chest and down your back like an engine or a windmill. You can also connect to your heart chakra by feeling the energy lifting up from your chest and at the same time feel the energy going down your back from your shoulders. It’s the opposite of tension. This energy is always moving in at least two directions. The energy of your heart also extends out of your hand, which is where we get the saying “healing hands”. Focusing on the heart chakra is what people mean when they say follow your heart. Use this energy to connect to the universe, connect to other people and connect to yourself. We hope you enjoy this journey towards peace, good cheer and enlightenment and find the unlimited potential within your mystic body. For more information, check out the Mystic Body Meditation Podcast blog at nancywalters.co.