Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus Meditation 01:03
This Mystic Body Meditation will help you connect to your chakras using the Scorpio full moon in Taurus Energy. This month the full moon will be on April 29th, 2018 at 8:58pm ET. This full moon energy is available to you though in the days leading up to and after the full moon. It’s a great energy to bring to ongoing personal or professional projects you would like to complete. It will help you relax if you are stressed or energize you if you are exercising. It’s a great tool to use to align your chakras and promote healing. Whatever your focus is this week or the rest this month, the Taurus energy will be available to you until May 20th at 10:47 pm ET. We hope you enjoy this journey towards peace, good cheer and enlightenment and find the unlimited potential within your mystic body. For more information check out the Mystic Body Meditation Podcast blog at