Uniquely Wisconsin: Sheboygan County
This bonus episode is part of the Uniquely Wisconsin series, a broadcast and streaming series that spotlights the untold stories of Wisconsinites and highlights the communities in which they live. From the emotional and heartwarming, to the humorous and the historic, the Uniquely Wisconsin brand captures the essence of the people of America’s Dairyland. While still a Discover Wisconsin feel, we're doing a deeper dive into the culture that makes up each county and how it forms Wisconsin’s culture. This week, we highlight Sheboygan County.
We begin with facts about Sheboygan County and how it serves as a fascinating cross-section of the state. Right by peaceful farms and beautiful forests with lakes and rolling hills you’ll find world-class golfing destinations, resorts, impeccable dining, and robust companies with international profiles. While the county seat of Sheboygan is “bratwurst capital of the world” and a coastal city known for its freshwater surfing opportunities that draw people from all over – even in winter – a bevy of smaller towns offer a variety of ways to enjoy living, working, and playing. Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howard’s Grove, Greenbush, Elkhart Lake, Oostburg, Cedar Grove and more all offer options with convenient access to anything you need. Kohler, a town built from its namesake company, offers five-star golf, resorts, shopping, and even the Kohler Design Center, which inspires anyone looking to maximize the beauty and functionality of their home. Bold and diverse, yet friendly with great quality of life and opportunity – it’s all in Sheboygan County.
Stories shared include:
The Arts Residency Program at John Michael Kohler Arts Center. The museum, which was opened thanks to the Kohler family in 1957, launched an Arts/Industry Residency Program in 1974. Ruth DeYoung Kohler II and her brother, the late Herb Kohler, were the founders and what they created became internationally recognized. The program invites a select group of artists at three month intervals to spend time in Kohler, creating artwork from materials found within Kohler Company’s factory. They design beautiful artwork from enamel, brass, and more. Nearly 500 artists have participated in the program. The 12 artists chosen each year through a very competitive juried application process get the opportunity to work with one of the most unique collaborations between art and industry in the nation.
Community Support with Lemons of Love. Lemons of Love is a non-profit that deliver cares packages to those diagnosed or impacted by cancer and cancer treatments. When Jill Swanson was diagnosed with cancer, she received a gift package to help her throughout the treatment process. She discovered these smallest of gifts can sometimes change the world for someone by providing motivation and inspiration.In 2014 Jill created Lemons of Love to pass on that motivation to other individuals impacted by cancer. Lemons of Love is in Plymouth, with another location in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Since starting in 2014, Lemons of Love has worked with over 1,600 volunteers who have created and delivered over 19,000 care packages and who provide one-on-one family support. You can find out more, even volunteer or donate, at LemonsOfLove.org.
The Shaw Family Playground. While fully-accessible ADA playgrounds are somewhat limited around Wisconsin, Sheboygan County recent developed its first fully accessible ADA playground in partnership with the Sheboygan Park Project and the Friends of the Sheboygan Jaycees. Sheboygan Park Project founders Ryan and Angie Shaw, whose story involving their conjoined twins became well-known, wanted to provide a space for their children and others to not have to watch from the sidelines as other children played. They spearheaded the fundraising and efforts to see the project through, realizing this inspiring vision to create a place for all kids. The park had its grand opening on August 27th, 2022 and is located within Evergreen Park on Pine Grove Avenue in Sheboygan; all are welcome.
Family Business Legacies and Visions. We focus on two great businesses in Sheboygan: 3 Sheeps Brewing, which started relatively recently, and Miesfeld’s, a longtime family business tradition.
3 Sheeps Brewing: Starting at home by trial and error, Grant Pauly decided to take the next step in developing his business in 2012. What started for him as a hobby has now one of the most recognized local craft breweries in Wisconsin. As the company outgrew its original location, it moved into a former Coca-Cola facility that provided room for its expansion. Taking a chance and having a vision for success is key to any business plan, and Grant Pauly’s story is in an inspiring one as 3 Sheeps continues to grow. Their brewery and tap room on North Avenue hosts live music and events as well as room to enjoy food, beverages, and games in a facility that welcomes the whole family.
Miesfeld’s is a widely loved, family-run business in Sheboygan County since 1941. Now home to the largest meat counters in the Midwest, Miesfeld’s is a prime example of the power of Wisconsin’s meat and sausage industry – and Sheboygan County’s in particular. One thing that separates Miesfelds from most is their commitment to community. Every week at the Brat Hut outside the store, there is a brat fry that local organizations sign-up for to raise money. Miesfelds has also played a large part in fundraising for different causes, including the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
We also talked with Karin Kirchmeier, the Executive Director of the Partners for Community Development in Sheboygan County. We discussed her love of the county and how the welcoming atmosphere made her arrival in the county two years ago an easy one for her and her family. We also covered many of the county’s unique features and amenities and discussed some of their initiatives, which extend even beyond the county.
Michelle then offers a preview of what we can watch on Uniquely Wisconsin’s Sheboygan County episode online, including stories about the renowned
Sheboygan Symphony, where we visit with a local music teacher who shares his talents and also the new conductor, who shares why he fell in love with Sheboygan County and his motivation to perform. The
Sheboygan Youth Sailing Team, which introduces youths and adults to sailing while helping them develop the skills and safety to crow and skipper a sailboat. This program allows Sheboygan County residents to take advantage of the opportunities the vast shorelines of Lake Michigan provides. And finally, the
Green Bicycle Company, Heather Cleveland founded in 2000 with the mission of helping people create and achieve their goals. Through community projects and consulting, Heather's dedication to her county and the communities within is an inspiration for others.