3 Things Your Black and Brown Students Desperately Wish You Understood About Teaching Them — Especially This Term

After 18 months of pandemic-driven trauma, many of our students, are simply not okay. The social-emotional implications are often greater among black and brown students for myriad reasons. But the way we respond to these kids in our classrooms this term could make a profound difference in the trajectory of their lives. Listen in to hear what many of your black and brown students would tell you if they had the words and thought you would really listen.

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Robert Jackson is a national speaker and award-winning author of the ASCD book, Becoming the Educator They Need: Mindsets, Strategies and Beliefs for Supporting Male Black and Latino Students along with his No More Excuses Curriculum featuring his other 5 Books. His new book, Mothers Raising Sons, will be released later this summer. He began his teaching career 26 years ago in Indianapolis Public Schools after being cut by the NFL Minnesota Vikings. He graduated from Western Kentucky University with a degree in Industrial technology after lettering 4 years in both football and track. He has become one of the most sought-after speakers in the country delivering keynotes and professional development workshops at national and regional conferences, K-12 schools and universities in the US and Canada. He is a life member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc and the NFL Players Association. His motto is, “For every problem there is a solution!”

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