Anti-porn activism: ur doin it wrong
Anti-porn activists think they're helping people, but who are they really concerned about?
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Why do we only seem to hear from ex-porn stars who have negative things to say about the industry? There's a *lot* to unpack around this topic, so we break it down into three broad categories: opposition for religious reasons, opposition for nonreligious ethical reasons, and Adrienne's personal least favorite, anti-porn feminism.
Rachel and Adrienne discuss porn addiction, drug use in the porn industry, STD/STI risk and the performer testing system, violence in porn, the passage of FOSTA/SESTA (see links below) and more.
Anti-porn organizations/websites we discuss:
- use caution when visiting this one, because the late 90s Geocities vibes might just give you an aneurism if, like Adrienne, you can’t handle ugly websites.
- Fight the New Drug:
- Jesus Loves Porn Stars/XXX Church:
- Shelley Lubben’s Pink Cross Foundation, which closed in 2016:
Facts about The Herp:
-One in six Americans carries the herpes virus:
-Adam Ruins Everything: You probably have herpes, and that’s OK (This is a fantastic show, and the full episode is available on Netflix!):
- “This Bill Is Killing Us” - 9 Sex Workers On Their Lives In The Wake Of FOSTA:
- FOSTA/SESTA’s effects on the porn industry and performers:
- Erika Lust’s YouTube channel, where she interviewed sex workers, was shut down/banned, likely due to FOSTA:
- Its wider impacts on internet communities:
- How FOSTA/SESTA disproportionately impacts trans SWs, especially those of color:
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