224 Be Aware of Your Energetic Vibrations Suggests Simon Crowe
Simon Crowe coaches and mentors inspiring people and helps them come alive. He takes people on life-changing adventures into their heart and soul and helps them connect to their deepest purpose. These adventures are both metaphoric and physical, with Simon traveling to Africa recently with groups of his clients. His passion is creating partnerships with influential entrepreneurs, leaders and humanitarians and co-creating visions that positively impact the world. Contact Info Website: www.SimonCrowe.com Please connect with Simon and tell him about your wildest dream. Website: TheBigIdea.space Most Influential Person My wife, Stacey Effect on Emotions To me, an emotion or a feeling is a word that we give to an awareness of a vibration. Why that's important to me is, I've been reading a book called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and what I appreciate about the book is he talks about our emotions. If we're scared of them then we live our lives trying to protect ourselves from our emotions and we create this incredibly crazy complex life full of emotional interactions. If we can just see our emotions as energy, they don't mean anything to who we are ... that distinction between our higher self and our ego-driven mind. What I find myself doing now when I feel strong energy, I try not to label it as a particular emotion. I let it rise up in my heart and my chest. I let it find a way out. Almost like letting the gas bubbles in a bottle escape. If I suppress it or try to change my behaviour, or change the external world in some way, then all I'm doing is keeping that locked in. And so it just keeps returning. How mindfulness has really helped me is, I've become much more aware of those energetic vibrations. I've got a completely different relationship with them now. I get less fearful of them and I now allow them to arise in their energetic form and not connect to the stories that I hold around those energetic vibrations, those emotions, and just watch them pass. I feel so much more resilient and able to deal with situations. Thoughts on Breathing I have a series of affirmations I say every day and one of them is, I breathe deeply into my belly. I had a yoga teacher one who said, if men just breathed properly into their bellies, then 90 percent of the problems we go to therapists around, would be solved. The breath is a fundamental connection. When I'm meditating that's what I use as my focal point. I bring my awareness and my attention to my breathing. Breath is something which opens me, which expands me, which connects me to the greater cosmos. Suggested Resources Book: The Art of Living by Bob Proctor Book: The Unteathered Soul by Michael A. Singer App: ThinkUp: Positive Affirmations a Motivation (Precises Wellness LLC) Effect on Emotions There were times when I was a young boy when I was guilty of bullying other people. I realize that when I was twelve or thirteen, I would pick on the kid in the class for whatever reason. Whatever this person was being singled out for, whether they wore glasses or they looked different, or were from a different background. I would just join in the name-calling and didn't give a moment's thought to the experience that poor person was having and what the impact may have been as to what they thought or felt about themselves. It felt very selfish. But that's only on reflection. I didn't feel selfish in that moment, I was just doing what everybody else was doing. It's because I didn't have that awareness. There were two things going on, there was the action I was doing and there was the ability to think about and assess whether those actions are ones that I really want to be engaged in. Whether it's something that they would have the impact that I would be proud of and now I'm slightly embarrassed to have to tell this story. It was a complete lack of mindfulness, of awareness in that moment. I was just behaving automatically. It was just really ignorance. I hadn't given it a moment's thought. Now with the awareness I now have as an adult, I think that was just really poor behavior.