178 Be Fully Aware and Let Your Faith Be Your Compass Says Aaron Walker
Aaron Walker is a Businessman and Life Coach who has inspired many through his masterminds and inspiring, faith-based mentorship. At the age of 27, Aaron sold his business for millions and retired, only to regret this decision later. Aaron gets great pleasure out of helping others and he believes experience is one of the best teachers. Thirty-five years of entrepreneurship and marriage have given Aaron a wealth of experience. Aaron integrates mindfulness into his life every day. Contact Info Website: www.ViewFromTheTop.com Free Mindfulness Resources: www.ViewFromTheTop.com/mindfulness Twitter and Facebook (See links from website) Most Influential Person Bob Warren (He had a training called Basic Training) Dan Miller (Author of 48 Days To The Work You Love) Effect on Emotions Sometimes we get in trouble dealing with our emotions. We make decisions based on our emotions 95% of the time rather than intellectually. That's backwards. We need to make decisions intellectually bearing in mind our emotions but when we're fully aware that we're doing that, we can make conscious choices. My choice is to make most of my decisions intellectually, not emotionally. Thoughts on Breathing I've heard a lot of coaches talk about breathing and the value that it adds. I've listened to a number of podcasts. Quite honestly I've never practiced that, except when listening to the podcasts. I'm totally confident that it works. I know that breathing really relaxes you and it calms you. I don't practice that, I'm not good at it. I could be good at it, but I've never really implemented that strategy. Suggested Resources Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck App: None Mindfulness Meets Bullying Story When I was in the fourth grade, I was walking home from school and there was this guy named Benny Creek. He was two grades ahead of me. He'd catch me at the same spot. You'd think I'd be smart enough to change my routes home, but he'd catch me at the same spot. He'd say, you'd better give me whatever money you've got left over or I'm gonna take it from you. I was scared of him so I'd give him my money and I'd do this week after week and one day I went home and told my dad. I said there's this guy bullying me every day when I come home. I told him who it was. My dad knew who he was and my dad said, let me tell you something, tomorrow if you walk down through there and Benny Creek comes up to you and he asks you for that money and you give it to him, I'm gonna whip you when you get home. And I said, 'what?'. He My dad knew who he was and my dad said, let me tell you something, tomorrow if you walk down through there and Benny Creek comes up to you and he asks you for that money and you give it to him, I'm gonna whip you when you get home. And I said, 'what?'. He said, I want you to hit him right in the mouth. I hit him square between the eyes and he took off running. The guy never bothered me again. But I was scared to death, I took off running like a scalded dog. And that was NOT the right way to handle it. You do not want to do that, so you people who are trying to be more mindful with bullying, don't take my dad's advice. Advice For A Mindfulness Newbie I can even help you with that. There's a personal assessment that I wrote several years ago and it really talks about your identity, your ideals, your relationships, your career, your faith, your family, things that are important to you. The big priorities of life. I've already mentioned the 'what do I want document'. There's about thirty questions on it that really dive deep into the things that maybe you should consider for your own personal life. Earlier I mentioned steps to a productive day. That's a document that walks you through from waking up to going to bed and things that will help you be more productive. I've taken the price of those, I'm not going to sell your audience anything. Go to www.viewfromthetop.com/mindfulness I've made those documents available there. If you go there it will really start you out on your journey to being more fully aware. More Mindfulness Nuggets It's not about you, it's about other people. Once you pour into other people, you'll get all you want. That's the reason there's a void. That's the reason that people don't know what they want. They're getting the wrong stuff. We get bullied every day in business and we're not even conscious of it, we don't know how to handle it. Often times we go against our values, our integrity, our character. We cave in. I coach people all the time about having strong character and taking a stand. Even when you're alone and that's often times difficult. Many times the things that you want to do are not popular.