156 Use Mindfulness As A Consciousness Says Market-Like-A-Nerd Guru, Amanda Goldman-Petri
Amanda Goldman-Petri is an Online Marketing Coach and Speaker, She teaches her clients to work smarter, not harder. She’s a bit off the wall, a bit out of the box, and a whole lot nerdy. At least that’s what she calls her business, Market Like A Nerd. Amanda is passionate about helping people and sold on mindfulness. Contact Info Website: www.MarketLikeANerd.com Facebook Group: The Balanced Entrepreneur (Join by going to www.marketlikeanerd/invite) Most Influential Person My husband Effect on Emotions It's allowed me to become more in control of them [my emotions]. Thoughts on Breathing I recognize my breath in an effort to to let negative thoughts and the outside world go away. Suggested Resources Book: No book App: No app (The OFF button lol) Advice for Newbie Practice acknowledging your feelings and the way that you're reacting to the things that are happening to you because the very first step to mindfulness is acknowledgement. Then from there you can get better at how you handle those feelings that you've just acknowledged. The very first thing is you have to start becoming aware of your words, your actions, your feelings, your state.