152 Mindfully Choose To Spend Your Time On Your High Priorities Advises STEM Coach Jean Caton
Jean Caton is a business coach specializing in helping women who are emerging leaders in STEM related careers. STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Jean blazed the trail as a women in Corporate America, specifically New York City in the 1980's. She finds that women moving into this STEM space can find the transition to be particularly challenging. Jean is also an expert at helping her clients establish confidence and she partners with professionals to help develop strategies for managing tough situations, difficult people, and high levels of overwhelm. Contact Info Website: www.CoachJeanCaton.com Facebook/ColorMyWorldConfident Podcast: Color My World Confident Most Influential Person Bruce Langford and Eckhart Tolle Effect on Emotions It has calmed that intensity big time. I'm much more at ease with what I'm doing. Even if I'm busy and there's a lot going on I do it in a more easy way, just more flow. I have more calm and more flow. If I do start speeding in the mind, and going somewhere else, I know I can call on that and come back to it. Even just in my mind, I'm in the car, or with all the people or whatever, they don't know what's going on in my mind. I just focus a little bit on my breath and calm myself back down and reduce that intensity, kind of on the go. Thoughts on Breathing I just focus a little bit on my breath and calm myself back down and reduce that intensity, kind of on the go. Suggested Resources Book: Presence by Aimee Cuddy App: IPhone Timer (I set a nice quiet chime to go off) Advice for Newbie The most important thing is that if you are a woman experiencing overwhelm, you need to do something for yourself. The first thing you may say is, 'I don't have the time'. People get on a vicious cycle with looking after their children, husband, demanding job. Women have taken on these really big jobs in the last twenty or thirty years, but they didn't take away very much. They still try to be the perfect wife/mother and homemaker. I would say you must make time for your mindfulness and find a resource, listen to the Mindfulness Mode Podcast, or find any other mindfulness website or resource and just try it. Make the time. A lot of women do yoga, or other kinds of moving meditations or swimming. This will pay back a hundred fold. Suggested Resources Free Download - The 5 Mistakes Women Make That Cause Their Careers to Fail. Get it at www.CoachJeanCaton.com Free 30 Minute Sample Coaching with Jean after downloading the above. Get it at www.CoachJeanCaton.com