133 Connect With What Is Bigger Than Ourselves Suggests Conscious Millionaire Author JV Crum III
J V Crum III helps established entrepreneurs create a Big Impact and Big Profits by growing businesses that make a difference in the world. He is a speaker, coach, Huffington Post Columnist, and #1 best-selling author of “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference.” J V hosts the top-ranked “Conscious Millionaire Show Podcast.” He is the Founder CEO of ConsciousMillionaire.com, global coaching and entrepreneur training business. J V holds an MBA, JD, Masters in Psychology, and has built and sold successful companies, and is featured in the upcoming movie, RiseUP. Contact Info Website: ConsciousMillionaire.com Podcast: Conscious Millionaire Most Influential Person Carol Yencar Effect on Emotions Much more equanimous from meditation, from focusing on being conscious and mindful, I react so much less and reflect much more and I'm also much more frequently in a state of just acceptance of who I am and the moment that I'm in which makes for a much smoother ride through life. Thoughts on Breathing It's very much part of my mindfulness practice because the meditation I do is Vipassana meditation. I've lived at a Buddhist monastery for seven weeks at a closed retreat and focused just on learning to meditate. There were days where we just did 12 hours of meditation in silence. People would go, Oh, that's horrible, you definitely encounter yourself but I loved it and the whole meditation that I do is focusing on the breath and realizing that's the real life force. The difference between a human that's alive and a human that's dead is whether they're breathing. Suggested Resources Book: Practicing Peace by Pema Chodron Book: The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh App: No App Advice for Newbie Well, I'm going to recommend another book. Thich Nhat Hanh, I love Thich Nhat Hanh and there is a book, it's fifty seven pages long, it's red, I think I have it memorized. I've read it so many times and given it to so many people, and it's his explanation of the Heart Sutra. The Heart Sutra's about a page and a half long, but he really explains in such a beautiful way about how everything is interconnected and to me, that's the heart of mindfulness. It is realizing that who we are and everything around us is all interconnected and that we are on this journey together.