124 Narcotic Addiction, Mindfulness and Intention Leads Mohamed Omar To 7 Simple Steps
Mohamed Omar is a podcaster and teacher of the concept of intention. He shares the philosophy that we are here on earth to spread harmony in creative ways. We are everybody and everything and every being and we are designed to be driven with passion to serve specific purposes that are in harmony with all life. Through his Simple 7 Steps of Intention, Mohamed will help you live consciously knowing who you are and what your life purpose is. Contact Info Website: www.IntentionalBeings.com Most Influential Person Yogi Ramacharaka Effect on Emotions Calms it down and makes it more on the positive side and expands it. Anything that is beyond compulsive thinking will get you eventually into the creative thinking and insights and more expansion. More finding out of who I am. Thoughts on Breathing There is a yoga technique which has been taught for thousands of years. Everybody reported the same, that when you do breathing exercises you basically become in a state that is superior than your mind. In other words you're able to calm the mind and control the mind in that state. It is called in yoga, pranayama. When I do breathing exercises before meditation, it becomes really good, even better than usual. Suggested Resources Book: Yogi Philosophy by Yogi Ramacharaka Book: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle App: TwelveStepJournaling.com Advice for Newbie Mindfulness, [being in a] meditative state ... this does work in your decision making process, in your daily process. You are a lot more than you think you are when you calm your mind and live in a state of mindfulness. Bonus Get your Free guide to meditation, breathing and mantras. This pdf is available at www.mindfulnessmode.calm/calm [show-notes-newbie]