118 Help Others By Helping Yourself First, Advises Yoga Trainer, Katherine Di Lullo
Katherine Di Lullo is a student of Yoga and Mindfulness. She completed her Yoga teacher training a year ago and it is her goal to combine the practices of yoga and mindfulness in her role as a social worker, creating a holistic approach to healing with her clients. Contact Info Email: dilullokatherine@gmail.com Facebook: Katherine Anne Most Influential Person Louise Hay Effect on Emotions I think it really allows me to just stop before reacting. It allows me to just take a moment to pause and maybe ask myself, "Why is that bothering me right now?" It's really allowed me to stay calm in situations, especially with failures in life. It helps me to not react, but instead, look at those failures as creating new possibilities for myself. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is huge. When I connect with my breath, it just brings me to the present moment. It just reminds me how simple and beautiful breathing is. It doesn't need to be a complicated process. Breathing is life. It's just so simple to connect back to. Suggested Resources Book: No book App: Oprah a Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Experience Advice for Newbie Just as yoga is a practice, mindfulness is a practice as well. Just be generous with yourself and don't be hard on yourself if you did get distracted or your mind did wander. Just starting, maybe you just take three deep breaths every morning and that could lead to a bit of a longer meditation. Just allow yourself to explore the practice. Thank You Bonus Sign up for the free Relax and Breathe Summit www.relaxandbreathesummit.com Learn relaxation techniques that just take a few minutes and can be done anywhere. Join me and over 20 other experts, including event organizer, Pompe Strater-Vidal. She is a Transformational coach and Zen monk. You'll become the person who will be the calm in the chaos. Two 30-minute interviews per day, over a 12-day period starting July 11, 2016. Registration is free and available at this link: Relax And Breathe Summit