106 All Humans Are Connected To A Universal Energy Explains Julie Zuzek
Julie Zuzek is a highly sought-after business coach and works with top entrepreneurs around the world. Recognizing her own entrepreneurial journey was an intense form of personal development, Julie helps entrepreneurs conquer their fear and limiting beliefs to remove the barriers in the way of success. Julie is also well known for her edgy podcast, Conscious Business with the Corporate Yogi. Julie’s core values are freedom, risk, love, growth and adventure. Contact Info Website: thecorporateyogi.com Podcast: Conscious Business Most Influential Person Deepak Chopra Effect on Emotions I am more able to observe my emotion, I'm more calm and I don't react in an intense, volcanic way like I used to when I was younger. I can really observe scenarios and say okay you know what this is really upsetting me because xyz is that what you meant and then the other person says no that's not what I meant. I can talk through things without having an intense, emotional reaction and I think that is from being so mindful and all the meditation work that I have done. Suggested Resources Book: Thrive By Arianna Huffington App: Calm Advice for Newbie Be patient please. I find so often that people have so many questions i.e. Am I doing it right? Just observe your emotions and trust that you will get it right. Keep at it, don't stop every day or so to observe whether it's working, just keep going. Thank You Bonus:As a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave your name and email you'll receive your infographic in your inbox right away. Download It here.