103 Have a Positive State of Mind To Start The Morning Urges Fitness and Mindset Coach, Ian Ryan
Ian Ryan is a personal trainer and has worked with hundreds of clients in the Washington DC area over the past 8 years. He gets excited working with clients who are committed to changing their body and mindset. Ian hosts his own podcast called Fearless and Healthy and has a blog called Golden Habits.com Contact Info Company: Fearless and Healthy Website: fearlessandhealthy.com Blog: Golden Habits.com Podcast: Fearless and Healthy Podcast Most Influential Person Darren Hardy Effect on Emotions It has definitely helped so much in my life. It has made me happier, it really has and being mindful has made me more grateful for the world around me. It has made me realize that we live in an amazing place, so I can't say enough about how much it has impacted me. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing really helps me get centered and it relieves stress from my life, so when I feel like I have a million things that are discombobulated in my head, just taking a step back, working on my breathing, being present. This really relieves so much stress from my life and as a fitness guy I'm going to say that it will help decrease your cortical levels. You wanna keep your cortical down so having some type of stress relief practice in your life can really help with that and breathing is just one of those things. Suggested Resources Book: Mindset Matters Most By Brian Grasow App: Evernote Advice for Newbie Don't think that you have to do a million things to get benefits from it. Start with one simple practice, take timeouts during your day. If your stressed out at work just take a couple minutes every single day to get up and move around, take some deep breaths and you can build on things. If your starting with meditation, you might start with a simple hundred count breathing exercise and then expand on that as you become more comfortable with it but simply it at first. Build small incremental habits one step at a time and over the long haul you will see a ton of results.