085 Ask Yourself the Question Who Am I, Suggests Instagram Expert Jason Shurgot

Jason Shurgot is a social media success story. As part of his business, Millionaire Notes, Jason helps you build your brand through Instagram. Right now, Jason has 160 Thousand followers on IG, and aquick look at his posts tells you he has a mindful way of speaking directly to YOU, his follower. In fact, Jason embraces mindfulness in his professional and personal life, using tools every day to stay focused, centered and grounded. Contact Info Company: JasonShurgot.com Instagram: @MillionaireNotes Email : levelup@jasonshurgot Most Influential Person Arnold Decarlis Effect on Emotions It's helped me to understand, to be more present and look out for triggers. As I was talking about this women in my life, she is still somewhat a part of my life and where we go from here we don't know yet, let life take it's course and just let it be. It Helps me where I get triggered and how do I respond to things. I have just become more mindful of my emotions and things are going to happen in your life but how you react to them is up to you. Thoughts on Breathing You know breathing is something I need to examine a little bit more, I don't do it all that well yet. The only thing that I do with breathing and it just calms me and makes me push further like on my runs, when I think I am exhausted and can't go any further. I think I am pretty much there I just need to change the application, I just breathe in and breathe out and out of nowhere I am another 50 yards down the road. Suggested Resources Book: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch App: Facebook Advice for Newbie Do some google research and then find someone who is an expert at it. They have taken the first step by listening to your podcast but find your own women that I talked about or find someone that practices it I guarantee you. One of the things I love the most about being an entrepreneur in our day and age, you can find that person Bruce is in Canada, I'm in Pennsylvania, I talked to someone from South Africa, my assistant is out of Dallas, we are connected now. You are going to find your tribe and they have done it with this podcast, just find someone to guide the way. Thank You Bonus: As a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave your name and email you'll receive your infographic in your inbox right away. Download It here.

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