079 How Horses and Mindfulness Lead to Trust and Communication; Debbie Roberts-Loucks
Debbie Roberts-Loucks is immersed in the the world of horses. Working with Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc, she started the first online Horse University, where those wanting to learn more about horses can learn through interactive lessons. Debbie has extensive experience in marketing as well asnew business development. As an expert horse handler, Debbie understands mindfulness as it pertains to our human connection to animals. [Debbie is also host of “Horsemanship Radio as part of The Horse Radio Network.] Contact Info Websites: www.horsemanshipradio.com Websites: wwwhorseradionetwork.com Websites: www.montyroberts.com www.montyrobertsuniversity.com [show-notes-contact Most Influential Person Jesus Christ Effect on Emotions That 16 to 22 age range was so helpful being around animals. I think if you are inclined to be way up and way down (emotionally), which I am really not, I tend to be pretty level. But if you are, and everybody goes through it, it's such a great way to be humble, to care for something that doesn't really ask for anything in return. I would say that is the biggest help for me is being around animals and moments when you really need to stay centered and grounded. Thoughts on Breathing I work on it all the time. I think that our biggest enemy is something that throws our equilibrium off and breathing is the first thing that will get thrown off. If we're not breathing, everything else goes. Suggested Resources Book: Temple Grandin Books ie. Temple Talks about Autism and Sensory Issues: The World's Leading Expert on Autism Shares Her Advice and Experiences Book: The Man Who Listens To Horses: The Story of a Real-Life Horse Whisperer by Monty Roberts App: PTSD Apps (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Advice for Newbie Go volunteer at your local equine therapeutic. They need the help and it is the coolest way to get outside yourself, be happy, be doing something for somebody else, animals too and a residual effect will be that you will get to be around these wonderful animals. Thank You Bonus As a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave your name and email and you'll receive your infographic in your inbox right away. Download It here.